Teak Plantation (Taungoo)
It was planted at Bon Taung Reserved Forest and Kha Baung Protected Forest
areas. The total area is 5,090 acres and planted since 2010-11 with 2,587,187
plants. The agreement was made with the Forest Department and permitted for 40
years (2015-2055).
Teak Plantation (Myitkyina)
It is located at Pi Htaung Removed Forest, Nan Kwe Village Tract, Myitkyina Township. The land
clearing commenced on 2008-09. In total, 927,466 teak plants were plantd on 2,150 acres from
the total of 9,888 acres.
Teak Plantation (Putao)
It is located near near Mulashidi Village, Puto Township, Kachin State. The
plantation was commenced in 2010-11 and 70 acres was planted.