1. Mango Farm (Indaw)
2. Oil Palm Plantation (Myeik)
It is located at Chaung Nauk Pyan area, Tanintheri Township, Myeik District, 2,850 acres were planted
with oil palm. The plantation activities were commenced on 22 February 2004.
Concerning with the land ownership, 1,050 acres planted with oil palm in Taung Phru Reserved Forest, and
was permitted for 30 years lease (2004-2034) from the Forest Department on 17
February 2016.
3. Pwint Byu Farm
It is existed in Min Bu and Pwint Byu Townships, Min Bu
District, Magway Region. 481.28 acres in Pwint Byu Township and 136
acres in Min Bu Townships and a total of 617.28 acres were contracted for 30
years lease (2013-2043) with the Forest Department.
4. Nyaung Hna Pin (Heavy Machine Hire Pjt)
It is located at Auk Chin Kan Myauk Kwin, Nyaung Hna Pin Village Tract, Hmawbi Township. The area
is 116.43 acres and reclaimed since February 2006. Formerly, dragon fruit
plants were cultivated. Currently, maintenance and rental of farm machineries
are in progress. No official document about land ownership was found.
5. Tea Plantation (Putao)
It is located near Mula Shidi Village, Putao Township, Myitkyina District, Kachin State. More than 1.4
acres of tea, and guava plantation was raised in 10.61 acres of the hotel area.